Examining the Relationship Between Betting and Charitable Contributions

In modern society, gambling and sports betting play a significant role not only for entertainment purposes but also in the social sphere. Exploring the relationship between betting and charitable contributions is a key aspect of understanding how these two areas interact with each other and how they can affect society as a whole. One interesting […]

The Best Charities of 2023

So, in 2023, we’ve got some truly amazing charities out there doing some pretty incredible stuff. First off, there’s The Education Foundation – they’re all about getting education to underprivileged kiddos all around the world. Then we’ve got Clean Water for All, who are basically superheroes, fighting to provide safe drinking water to those who […]

Casinos engaged in charity work. Gambling and charity

There are many examples in the world where casinos help and raise funds for charitable purposes. As the experience of other countries shows, gambling most often sponsors sports teams, and a little less often gives money for other types of needs (however, it depends on the state). Let us consider the way Portuguese companies have […]

Forms of support for social enterprises in the United States

Government support for social entrepreneurship in the United States In spite of the fact that in the USA the infrastructure of support of small and medium-sized business is highly developed, the specifics of support of social entrepreneurship require a special approach. The main support from the state of social entrepreneurship is carried out in five […]

Organizational and legal forms of social enterprises

Social entrepreneurship in the United States can be carried out by commercial and non-commercial organizations, as well as through the establishment of a special state agency (through the adoption of a separate law at the state level), whose activities should be aimed at the implementation of any large-scale social project. In the USA there are […]

The Development of Social Entrepreneurship in the United States

At the end of the 19th century the first socially oriented enterprises began to emerge in the United States. So, in addition to volunteer charity events to collect donations, seasonal charity fairs of handmade goods, support systems for impoverished immigrants, free evening schools for adults and many other things began to develop actively. Such social […]